Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Milton, J. . Paradise lost . 1749 . London
Milton, J. . Poetical works . 1720 . London
Milton, J. . Tenure of kings and magistrates . 1649 . London
Milton, J. . Paradise lost . 1749 . London
Milton, J. . Paradise lost . 1749 . London
Milton, J. . Paradise lost . 1759 . Birmingham
Milton, J. . Paradise lost . 1828 . London
Milton, J. . Paradise lost . 1749 . London
Milton, J. . Paradise lost . 1758 . Birmingham
Milton, J. . Treatise on Christian doctrine . 1825 . Cambridge
Minadoi, G.T. . Historia della guerra fra Turchi, et Persiani . 1594 . Venice
Minot, L. . Poems, written anno MCCCLII . 1825 . London
Minsheu, J. . Vocabularium Hispanicolatinum et Anglicum . 1617 . London
Minsheu, J. . Dictionarie in Spanish and English . 1599 . London
Minsheu, J. . Ductor in linguas: the guide into tongues . 1617 . London
Minsheu, J. . Ductor in linguas: the guide into tongues . 1617 . London
Minsheu, J. . Ductor in linguas: the guide into tongues . 1617 . London
Minto, G.E. . Lord Minto in India: life and letters . 1880 . London
Minucius Felix, M. . Octavius & Cæcilii Cypriani De idolor. Vanitate . 1643 . Paris
Minucius Felix, M. . Octavius . 1663 . Lyon
Minucius Felix, M. . Octavius [ed. John Davies] . 1712 . Cambridge
Mirabeau, H.G. de R. . Mirabeau’s love letters . 1909 . London
Mirabeau, H.G. de R. . Enquiries concerning letters de cachet . 1787 . London
Mirabeau, H.G. de R. . Atlas de la monarchie prussienne . 1788 . London
Mirandula, O. . Viridarium illustrium poetarum . 1507 . Venice
Mirk, J. . Liber festialis . 1491 . Westminster
Misson, M. . New voyage to Italy . 1699 . London
Mitford, W. . History of Greece . 1835 . London
Mocenigo, P. . Institutiones universales . 1586 . Venice
Mocket, R. . God and the King . 1663 . London
Modestus, P.F. . Venetias . 1521 . Rimini
Modestus, P.F. . Venetias . 1521 . Rimini
Moffett, T. . Insectorum, sive Minimorum animalium theatrum . 1634 . London
Moffett, T. . Insectorum, sive Minimorum animalium theatrum . 1634 . London
Moffett, T. . Insectorum, sive Minimorum animalium theatrum . 1634 . London
Moggridge, J.Traherne . Harvesting ants and trap door spiders . 1873 . London
Molière, . Oeuvres . 1825 . Paris
Molière, . Oeuvres . 1734 . Paris
Molière, . Oeuvres . 1773 .
Molina, L. . De iustitia et iure . 1613 . Mainz
Molinier, E. . Wallace Collection . 1903 . London


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