Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Kahle, L.M. . Balance de l’Europe . 1744 . Berlin
Kames, H.H. . Sketches of the history of man . 1778 . Edinburgh
Keach, B. . Troposchemalogia . 1682 . London
Keating, G. . General history of Ireland . 1738 . London
Keating, G. . General history of Ireland . 1738 . London
Keats, J. . Poetical works . 1888 . London
Keats, J. . Poems . 1898 . London
Keats, J. . Endymion: a poetic romance . 1818 . London
Keckermann, B. . Systema disciplinæ politicæ . 1608 . Hannover
Keckermann, B. . Opera . 1614 . Geneva
Keckermann, B. . Systema fortis . 1616 . Hannover
Keder, N. . Nummorum in Hibernia . 1708 . Leipzig
Keder, N. . Nummorum in Hibernia . 1708 . Leipzig
Kedermister, J. . Pharmacopolium [manuscript] . 1630 .
Keeling, B. . St Paul's wish to be accursed from Christ . 1766 . Oxford
Keith, A. . Signs of the times . 1834 . Edinburgh
Keith, R. . Historical catalogue of the Scottish bishops . 1824 . Edinburgh
Kelland, P. . Theory of heat . 1837 . Cambridge
Kelty, M.Ann . Favourite of nature . 1822 . London
Kelvin, W.T. . Mathematical and physical papers . 1882 . Cambridge
Kennedy, G. . Father Clement . 1824 . Edinburgh
Kent, S. . Banner display’d . 1726 . London
Kent, W. . Designs of Inigo Jones . 1727 . London
Kent, N. . Hints to gentlemen of landed property . 1799 . London
Kepler, J. . Harmonices mundi . 1619 . Linz
Ker, P. . Flosculum poeticum . 1684 . London
Kett, H. . History the interpreter of prophecy . 1800 . London
Kettlewell, J. . Works . 1719 . London
Kettlewell, J. . Works . 1719 . London
Kettlewell, J. . Works . 1719 . London
Kettlewell, J. . Measures of Christian obedience . 1681 . London


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