Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
I, Eof Germany . Admirables efectos de la providencia . 1696 . Milan
I, Kof England . Manuscript of extracts from statutes of Edward I. . 0 . England
I, Kof Navarre . Poesies du roy de Navarre . 1742 . Paris
Ibarra, D. de . Guerras de los Estados Baxos . 1625 . Antwerp
Ibn Ezra, A. ben M. . In re iudiciali opera . 1507 . Venice
Ibn Ezra, A. ben M. . De nativitatibus . 1485 . Venice
Ibn Ezra, A. ben M. . In re iudiciali opera . 1507 . Venice
Ibn Ezra, A. ben M. . In re iudiciali opera . 1507 . Venice
Ibn ‘Arabshah, Aibn Muhamm . Vitæ et rerum gestarum Timuri, historia . 1767 . Franeker
Ibn ‘Arabshah, Aibn Muhamm . Vitæ et rerum gestarum Timuri, historia . 1767 . Franeker
Idrisi, M. . Geographia Nubiensis . 1619 . Paris
Ignatius, S. . Epistolæ . 1566 . Antwerp
III, Kof France . Recueil de diverses pièces, etc. pt. 4.  . 1663 . Paris
III, Eof the Fre . Historie de Jules César . 1865 . Paris
Inchofer, M. . Historiæ Sacræ Latinitatis libri VI. . 1638 . Munich
Indagine, J. . Book of palmistry and physiognomy . 1676 . London
Indagine, J. ab . Introductio apotelesmaticæ elegantes . 1582 . Lyon
India, F. . Hygiphilus tertius. . 1596 . Verona
Ingegneri, A. . Dell buon segretario libri tre . 1595 . Venice
Ingelo, N. . Bentivoglio and Urania . 1673 . London
Inglis, H.David . Ireland in 1834 . 1834 . London
Ingoldsby, T. . Ingoldsby legend . 1882 . London
Ingrassia, G.F. . In Galeni librum De ossibus commentaria . 1603 . Palermo
Innes, C. . Book of the Thanes of Cawdor . 1859 . Edinburgh
Innocent III, P. . Opera . 1552 . Cologne


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