Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Homer, . Iliad [tr. James Macpherson] . 1773 . London
Homer, . Ποιησις απασα . 1488 . Florence
Homer, . Ποιησις απασα . 1488 . Florence
Homer, . Homeri Odyssea [Greek & Latin] . 1815 . London
Homer, . Iliad & Odyssey [tr. Alexander Pope] . 1715 . London
Homer, . Ὀδυσσεια . 1614 . London
Homer, . [Opera] . 1541 . Basel
Homer, . Whole works of Homer [tr. G. Chapman] . 1616 . London
Homer, . Ὁμηρου Ὀδυσσεια . 1541 . Paris
Homer, . His Iliads [tr. John Ogilby] . 1660 . London
Homer, . Ὁμηρου Ὀδυσσεια . 1655 . Leiden
Homer, . Iliad of Homer [tr. Alexander Pope] . 1716 . London
Homer, . Ὁμηρου Ὀδυσσεια . 1655 . Leiden
Homer, . Ὁμηρου Ὀδυσσεια . 1655 . Leiden
Homer, . Ilias [Greek & Latin] . 1736 . London
Homer, . Iliad [and Odyssey] of Homer . 1809 . London
Homer, . The whole works [tr. Geo: Chapman . 1616 . S.l.
Homer, . Iliad [tr. Alexander Pope] . 1760 . London
Homer, . Iliad of Homer [tr. Alexander Pope] . 1715 . London
Homer, . Ποιησις απασα: Ἰλιας . 1488 . Florence
Homer, . Τες του Ὁμηρου Ιλιαδος . 1756 . Glasgow
Homer, . Ἰλιας . 1535 . Louvain
Homer, . Iliade d'Homere [tr. P.J. Bitaubé] . 1787 . Paris
Homer, . Iliad [tr. A. Pope] . 1760 . London
Homer, . Iliad of Homer [tr. Alexander Pope] . 1715 . London
Homer, . Ποιησις απασα: Οδυσσεια . 1488 . Florence
Homer, . Iliad . 1820 . Chiswick
Homer, . Ποιησις απασα . 1488 . Florence
Homer, . Ἰλιας [Greek & Latin] . 1778 . Glasgow
Homer, . Iliad . 1715 . London
Homer, . Odyssey . 1820 . Chiswick
Homer, . The whole works [tr. Geo: Chapman] . 1616 . S.l.
Hommius, F. . Specimen controversiarum Belgicarum . 1618 . Leiden
Hondius, H. . Cinq rangs de l'architecture. . 1617 . Amsterdam
Hondorff, A. . Theatrum historicum . 1604 . Wittenberg


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