Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Heywood, T. . Woman kilde with kindnesse . 1617 . London
Heywood, T. . Mayden-head well lost . 1634 . London
Hickes, G. . Antiquæ literaturæ septentrionalis libri duo . 1705 . Oxford
Hickmott, A.Cushman . This ivory pale: the Shakespearean collection of Allerton C. Hickmott . 1970 . West Hartford
Hierocles, of A. . In aurea carmina commentaries Graecè et Latinè . 1742 . London
Hierocles, of A. . Commentarius in aurea Pythagoriorum carmina . 1583 . Paris
Hierocles, of A. . Commentarius in aurea Pythagoriorum carmina . 1583 . Paris
Hieron, S. . Sermons . 1620 . London
Higden, R. . Discripcion of Britayne . 1480 . Westminster
Higden, R. . Policronicon . 1495 . Westminster
Higden, R. . Polychronicon . 1482 . Westminster
Higden, R. . Polychronicon . 1482 . Westminster
Higden, R. . Policronicon . 1495 . Westminster
Higden, R. . Polychronicon . 1482 . Westminster
Hilaire, J.Henri Jaum . Plantes de la France . 1808 . Paris
Hilarion, . Lucubrationes quotquot extant . 1550 . Basel
Hilary, S. . Lucubrationes quotquot extant . 1535 . Basel
Hilary, S. . Opera . 1523 . Basel
Hildersam, A. . CVIII lectures upon the fourth of Iohn . 1632 . London
Hildrop, J. . Miscellaneous works . 1754 . London
Hill, J. . General natural history . 1748 . London
Hill, J. . History of a woman of quality . 1751 . London
Hill, T. . Profitable arte of gardening . 1593 . London
Hill, J. . Vegetable system . 1759 . London
Hillary, W. . Nature, properties, and laws of motion of fire . 1760 . London
Hiller, F. . Mendelssohn letters and recollections . 1874 . London
Himmel, E. . De verbo Dei scripto libri quatuor . 1594 . Geneva
Hinckes, T. . History of the British hydroid zoophytes . 1868 . London
Hingeston, J. . Cornet book . 1660 .
Hinkson, H.Albert . The king’s deputy . 1899 . London
Hippocrates, . Coacæ prænotiones . 1588 . Paris
Hippocrates, . Coacæ prænotiones . 1588 . Paris
Hippocrates, . Liber de medicorū astrologia . 1485 . Venice
Hippocrates, . Presages of the divine Hippocrates . 1634 . London
Hippocrates, . Opera quæ extant . 1588 . Venice
Hippocrates, . Liber de medicorū astrologia . 1485 . Venice
Hirth, G. . Album de la Renaissance . 1877 . Leipzig
Hirth, G. . Album de la Renaissance . 1877 . Leipzig


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