Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Gannon, N.J. . O’Donoghue of the lakes, and other poems . 1858 . London
Gannon, N.J. . O’Donoghue of the lakes, and other poems . 1858 . London
Garcie, Pierre, called Ferrande . Rutter of the see . 1560 . London
Gardiner, Marguerite, Countess of Blessington . Magic lantern . 1823 . London
Gardiner, Marguerite, Countess of Blessington . Magic lantern . 1823 . London
Gardiner, S. . De impudenti eiusdem pseudologia conquestio . 1544 . Louvain
Gardner, P. . Types of Greek coins . 1883 . Cambridge
Garner, R. . Natural history of the county of Stafford. . 1844 . London
Garnier, R. . Tragedie of Antonie . 1595 . London
Garrard, W. . Arte of warre . 1591 . London
Garrati, M. . Tractatus de principibus . 1513 . Paris
Garthwait, H. . Monotessaron . 1634 . Cambridge
Gascoigne, G. . Whole woorkes . 1587 . London
Gaskell, E.Cleghorn . Life of Charlotte Bronte . 1885 . London
Gassendi, P. . Opera omnia . 1658 . Lyon
Gassendi, P. . Opera omnia . 1658 . Lyon
Gassendi, P. . Exercitationes paradoxicæ adversus Aristoteleos . 1649 . Amsterdam
Gassendi, P. . Opera omnia . 1658 . Lyon
Gastellier, R.Georges . Des spécifiques en médecine . 1783 . Paris
Gaubil, A. . Histoire de Gentchiscan . 1739 . Paris
Gauden, J. . Discourse of auxiliary beauty . 1656 . London
Gauden, J. . Discourse of auxiliary beauty . 1656 . London
Gaudenzi, P. . Di Cleopatra . 1613 . Pisa


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