Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Goutière, J. . De iure manium . 1615 . Paris
Goutière, J. . De iure manium . 1615 . Paris
Gower, J. . De confessione amantis . 1554 . London
Gower, J. . De confessione amantis . 1532 . London
Graevius, J.G. . Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanorum congesta . 1735 .
Grafton, R. . Grafton’s Chronicle, or, History of England . 1809 . London
Grafton, R. . Grafton’s Chronicle, or, History of England . 1809 . London
Graham, H.Davenport . Antiquities of Iona . 1850 . London
Grahame, J. . Sabbath, Sabbath walks and other poems . 1812 . Edinburgh
Graincourt, A. . Hommes illustres de la Marine françoise . 1780 . Paris
Gramaye, J.B. . Antiquitates illustrissimi ducis Brabantiæ . 1610 . Brussels
Gramaye, J.B. . Asia, sive Historia universalis Asiaticarum gentium . 1604 . Antwerp
Granado, D. . Commentarii in Summam theologiæ Sancti Thomæ . 1624 . Pont à Mousson
Granadus, J. . Commentarii in Summam Theologicæ S. Thomæ . 1623 . Seville
Granadus, J. . Commentarii in Summam Theologicæ S. Thomæ . 1623 . Seville
Grant, A. . Ethics of Aristotle . 1866 . London
Grant, J. . Survey of the province of Moray . 1798 . Aberdeen
Grapaldi, F.M. . Lexicon de partibus ædium . 1535 . Lyon
Graser, C. . Plaga regia . 1610 . Zurich
Grassi, R. . Descrizione storica e artistica di Pisa . 1836 . Pisa
Gratian, . Decretorum rhapsodiæ . 1500 . Lyon
Grattius, F. . Cynegeticon . 1699 . London
Grattius, F. . Cynegeticon . 1699 . London


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