Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Fountain, J. . Rewards of virtue . 1661 . London
Fourcroy, Antoine-François de, comte . Élémens d’histoire naturelle et de chimie . 1786 . Paris
Fowler, E. . Design of Christianity . 1760 . London
Fox, G.T. . Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum . 1827 . Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Fox, Rthe . Historye of Reynart the foxe [tr. W Caxton] . 1481 . Westminster
Fox, G.T. . Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum . 1827 . Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Fox, Stephen, Sir . Memoirs of the life of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt. . 1807 . London
Fox, J. . Acts and monuments of the martyrs . 1641 . London
Fox-Morzillo, S. . In Platonis Timaeum commentarij . 1554 . Basel
Foxe, J. . Papa confutatus . 1580 . London
Foxe, J. . Book of martyrs . 1702 . London
Foxe, J. . The ecclesiasticall historie . 1597 . London
Foxe, J. . Acts and monuments . 1841 . London
Foy, Maximilein, comte . Histoire de la guerre de la Péninsule sous Napoléon . 1827 . Paris
Fracastoro, G. . Opera omnia . 1574 . Venice
Francanzano, da M. . Itinerarium Portugallensium in India . 1508 . Milan
France, . French book of rates . 1714 . London
France, Kof . Portraits des rois de France [album] . 0 . S.l.
Franciscus, deRetza . De generatione Christi . 1489 . Basel
Franciscus a Santa Clara, . Deus natura gratia . 1634 . Lyon
Franciscus a Santa Clara, . Opera . 1665 . Douai


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