Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
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Eadmer, . Historiae novorum . 1623 . London
Eadmer, . Historiae novorum . 1623 . London
Eadmer, . Historae novorum . 1623 . London
Eadmer, . Historiae novorum . 1623 . London
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Earle, J. . Micro-cosmographia . 1629 . London
Earle, J. . Micro-cosmographia . 1629 . London
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Eaton, C.Anne Waldi . Narrative of a residence in Belgium . 1817 . London
Ebel, H.Wilhelm . Indogermanische Chrestomathie . 1869 . Weimar
Ebülgâzî Bahadir Han, K. . Histoire généalogique des Tatars . 1726 . Leiden
Echard, L. . History of England . 1720 . London
Echard, L. . Roman history . 1695 . London
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Edgeworth, R.L. . Memoirs . 1821 . London
Edgeworth, M. . Harry and Lucy concluded . 1825 . London
Edgeworth, M. . Harrington . 1817 . London
Edgeworth, M. . Patronage . 1814 . London
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Edmondes, C. . Observations upon Cæsars Comentaries . 1609 . London
Edmondes, C. . Observations upon Cæsars Comentaries . 1609 . London
Edmondes, Clement, Sir . Observations upon Cæsars Comentaries . 1609 . London
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Edwards, R. . Paradyse of daintie devises . 1580 . London
Edwards, R. . Paradise of dainty devices . 1812 . London
Edwards, G. . Histoire naturelle de divers oiseaux . 1748 . London
Edwards, T. . Gangræna . 1646 . London


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