Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Dunn, C. . Academicians of 1823 . 1823 . London
Dunn, C. . Academicians of 1823 . 1823 . London
Duns Scotus, J. . Questiones quolibetales . 1513 . Paris
Duns Scotus, J. . Opera omnia . 1639 . Lyon
Dupin, C. . Voyages dans la Grande Bretagne . 1825 . Paris
Duppa, B. . Holy rules and helps to devotion . 1704 . London
Dupuis, J. . Journal of a residence in Ashantee . 1824 . London
Dupuis, J. . Journal of a residence in Ashantee . 1824 . London
Duquesne, A.Bernard d' . Vangelo secondo la concordanza de quattro evangelisti . 1792 . Rome
Durand, G. . Speculum iuris . 1592 . Frankfurt
Durand de Maillane, P.T. . Dictionnaire de droit canonique . 1787 . Lyon
Durandus de Sancto Porciano, . In Sententias theologicas Petri Lombardi commentariorum libri quatuor . 1587 . Lyon
Durante, C. . Herbario nuovo . 1585 . Rome
Durante, C. . Herbario nuovo . 1585 . Rome
Durante, P. . Libro d'arme, e d'amore chiamato Leandra . 1683 . Venice
Duranti, J.É. . De ritibus ecclesiæ catholicæ libri tres . 1631 . Paris
Durel, J. . Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ vindiciæ . 1669 . London
Dutch West India Company, . More excellent observations of the estate and affaires of Holland . 1622 . London
Dutton, Edward Lenox, Baron Sherborne . Historical and genealogical history of the family of Dutton . 1899 . [S.l.]
Duval, P. . Q.F.F.F.S. … contra iudaeas. . 1755 . Göttingen
Duval, J.B. . Augustarum imagines . 1619 . Paris
Duval-Pyrau, . Aristide . 1777 . Yverdon
Duvernoy, J.G. . Designatio plantarum circa Tubingensem arcem florentium . 1772 . Tübingen
Dyer, J. . Cy ensuont ascuns novel cases . 1592 . London
Dyer, S. . Cy ensuont ascuns nouel cases . 1585 . London
Dyer, J. . Poems . 1761 . London
Dyer, J. . Abridgement de touts les cases . 1609 . London
Dyke, D. . Mystery of selfe-deceiuing . 1634 . London
d’Abbeville, N.Sanson . Europe dédiée à Monseigneur le Tellier Secret d’Estat . 1648 . Paris
d’Agincourt, J.B.L.G.Seroux . Histoire de l’art par les monumens . 1823 . Paris
D’Albertis, E. . Alberto Crociera del violante . 1877 . Genoa
d’Andilly, R.Arnaud . Lettres . 1689 . Paris
d’Argenville, A.J.Dezallier . Abregé de la vie des plus fameux peintres . 1745 . Paris
D’Avenant, William, Sir . Platonick lovers . 1636 . London
D’Avenant, William, Sir . Witts . 1636 . London
D’Avenant, W. . Siege of Rhodes . 1663 . London
D’Avenant, William, Sir . Works . 1673 . London
D’Avenant, C. . Political and commercial works . 1771 . London
D’Avenant, William, Sir . Macbeth . 1674 . London
D’Urfey, T. . Fool turn’d critick . 1678 . London
D’Urfey, T. . Wit and mirth, or Pills to purge melancholy . 1709 . London
D’Urfey, T. . Collin’s walk through London and Westminster . 1690 . London


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