Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Clarke, R. . Prophetic records of the Christian era . 1812 . London
Clarke, S. . A letter to Mr Dodwell . 1708 . London
Clarke, A. . Bibliographical miscellany . 1806 . London
Clarke, S. . Golden apples . 1659 . London
Clarke, S. . Golden apples . 1659 . London
Clarke, S. . Marrow of ecclesiastical history . 1650 . London
Clarke, S. . Life and death of Cyrus the Great . 1665 . London
Clarke, S. . General martyrologie . 1651 . London
Clarke, E.D. . Tomb of Alexander . 1805 . Cambridge
Clarke, E.D. . Tomb of Alexander . 1805 . Cambridge
Clarke, S. . Life and death of Hannibal . 1666 . London
Clauder, G. . Dissertatio de tinctura universali . 1678 . Altenburg
Claudianus, C. . Opera . 1482 . Vicenza
Claudianus, C. . Cl. Claudiani quæ exstant . 1677 . Amsterdam
Claudianus, C. . Opera . 1482 . Vicenza
Clavering, H. . New complete parish officer . 1790 . London
Clavius, C. . Gnomices . 1581 . Rome
Clavius, C. . In Sphaeræ Johannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius . 1608 . Geneva
Clavius, C. . Algebra . 1608 . Rome
Clément, J.M.B. . Premiere[-neuvieme] lettre a monsieur de Voltaire . 1773 . The Hague
Clement, Prior of Llanthony . Concordia quattuor Evangelistarum . 1100 .
Clement, S. . Opera Græce et Latine quæ extant . 1616 . Leiden
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . Opera quæ exstant . 1592 . Heidelberg
Clément, N. . Austrasiæ reges et duces epigrammatis . 1691 . Cologne
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . Opera quæ exstant . 1592 . Heidelberg
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . Opera . 1550 . Florence
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . Clementis Alexandrini liber Quis dives salutem consequi possit . 1816 . Utrecht
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . Clementis Alexandrini liber Quis dives salutem consequi possit . 1816 . Utrecht
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . Opera omnia . 1590 . Paris
Clement V, Pope . Constitutiones [cum apparatu Joannis Andreæ] . 1460 . Mainz
Clement V, Pope . Gusta victus . 1632 . Leiden
Clement V, Pope . Constitutiones [cum apparatu Joannis Andreae] . 1467 . Mainz
Clement V, Pope . Constitutiones . 1471 . Mainz
Clement V, P. . Constitutiones . 1471 . Strasbourg
Clemente, A. . Trattato dell'agricoltura . 1572 . Venice
Clements, L. . Modern wildfowling . 1880 . London


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