Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Camerarius, P. . Living librarie . 1625 . London
Camerarius, J. . Symbolorum et emblematum centuriæ tres . 1590 . Nurnberg
Camerarius, J. . Symbolarum . 1605 . Nuremberg
Camerarius, J. . Symbolarum . 1605 . Nuremberg
Camerarius, J. . Commentarii utriusque linguæ . 1551 . Basel
Cameron, C. . Baths of the Romans explained and illustrated . 1772 . London
Cameron, J. . Opera . 1642 . Geneva
Cameron, J. . Opera . 1642 . Geneva
Cameron, J. . Myrothecium evangelicum . 1632 . Geneva
Cameron, C. . Baths of the Romans explained and illustrated . 1772 . London
Cameron, C. . Baths of the Romans explained and illustrated . 1772 . London
Camões, L. . Poems . 1824 . London
Camões, L. de . Lusiad, or, The discovery of India [tr. W.J. Mickle] . 1798 . London
Camões, L. de . Lusiadas . 1639 . Madrid
Camotius, J.B. . Commentarii in primum metaphysices Theophrasti . 1551 . Venice
Campan, M. . Memoires de madame Campan . 1910 . Paris
Campana, C. . Delle historie del mondo . 1596 . Venice
Campana, C. . Vita di Filippo II d’Austria Re dell’ Espagne . 1609 . Vicenza
Campanella, T. . Astrologicorum libri VII. . 1630 . Frankfurt
Campanella, T. . Discourse touching the Spanish monarchy . 1654 . London
Campanella, T. . Astrologicorum libri VII . 1630 . Frankfurt
Campanella, T. . Astrologicorum libri VII . 1630 . Frankfurt
Campano, Giannantonio, Bishop . Opera . 1502 . Venice
Campbell, C. . Vitruvius Britannicus . 1715 . London
Campbell, J. . Lives of the British admirals . 1812 . London
Campbell, T. . Pleasures of hope . 1820 . London
Campbell, C. . Vitruvius Britannicus . 1731 . London
Campbell, T. . Pleasures of hope . 1803 . London
Campbell, T. . Poetical works . 1837 . London
Campbell, T. . Specimens of the British poets . 1819 . London
Campbell, J. . Political survey of Britain . 1774 . London
Campbell-Swinton, A. . Sixteen volumes of Scottish religious tracts. 1840-1843 . 0 . Various
Campion, Edmund, Saint . Two histories of Ireland . 1633 . Dublin
Campra, A. . Arethuse, ou, La vengeance de l’amour . 1701 . Paris
Campra, A. . Tancrede . 1702 . Paris


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