Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Cesati, G.B. . Sacra melodia . 1655 . Milan
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Céspedes y Meneses, G. de . Primera parte de la historia de D. Felippe el. IIII . 1631 . Lisbon
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Champagney, F.Perrenot . Recueils d’Aretophile . 1579 . Lyon
Champagney, F.Perrenot . Recueils d’Aretophile . 1578 . Lyon
Chandieu, A. de . Opera theologica . 1592 . Geneva
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Chandler, R. . Travels in Greece . 1776 . Dublin
Chandler, R. . Life of William Waynflete Bishop of Winchester . 1811 . London
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