Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Beattie, J. . Minstrel . 1779 . London
Beattie, J. . Minstrel, or, The progress of genius . 1823 . London
Beattie, J. . Essays . 1776 . Edinburgh
Beattie, J. . Bardo-citarista . 1824 . Naples
Beauclerk, G. . Journey to Marocco in 1826 . 1828 . London
Beaufort, D.A. . Memoir of a map of Ireland . 1792 . Dublin
Beaufort, D.A. . Memoir of a map of Ireland . 1792 . London
Beaumanoir, Philippe de Remi, sire de . Coustumes de Beauvoisis . 1690 . Bourges
Beaumanoir, Philippe de Remi, sire de . Coustumes de Beauvoisis . 1690 . Bourges
Beaumont, F. . Fifty comedies and tragedies . 1679 . London
Beaumont, F. . Works . 1750 . London
Beaumont, F. . Fifty comedies and tragedies . 1679 . London
Beaumont, F. . Comedies and Tragedies . 1647 . London
Beaumont, F. . Fifty comedies and tragedies . 1679 . London
Beaumont, J. . Psyche, or Love’s mystery, in XXIV. cantos . 1702 . Cambridge
Beaumont, F. . King and no king . 1639 . London
Beaumont, F. . Works . 1843 . London
Beausobre, I. de . Histoire de la Reformation . 1785 . Berlin
Beausobre, I. de . Histoire de la Reformation . 1785 . Berlin
Beaux-Amis, T. . Commentarium in Evangelicam harmonium . 1593 . Lyon
Becanus, M. . Opusculorum theologicorum . 0 . Mainz
Becanus, M. . Opusculorum theologicorum . 1610 .
Beccadelli, L. . Vita Reginaldi Poli . 1563 . Venice
Beccaria, . Essay on crimes and punishments . 1767 . London
Beccaria, Cesare, marchese di . Dei deitti e delle pene . 1828 . Livorno
Beckford, W. . Vathek . 1815 . London
Beckford, W. . Biographical memoirs of extraordinary painters . 1780 . London
Beckford, W. . Valuable library of books in Fonthill Abbey . 1823 . London
Beckford, W. . Popular tales of the Germans . 1791 . London
Beckford, P. . Thoughts upon hare and fox hunting . 1796 . London
Beckford, W. . Biographical memoirs of extraordinary painters . 1780 . London
Beckwith, J. . Fragmenta antiquitatis . 1784 . York
Beckwith, J. . Fragmenta antiquitatis . 1784 . York
Becon, T. . Reliques of Rome . 1563 . London
Becon, T. . Worckes . 1560 . London
Becon, T. . Worckes . 1560 . London
Becon, T. . Newes out of heaven both pleasaunt & joyfull . 1542 . Loindon


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