Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo . Epitome omnium operum . 1549 . Cologne
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo . Soliloques et meditations . 1662 . Paris
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo . Soliloques et meditations . 1662 . Paris
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo . Opera . 1569 . Basel
Augustinus, J. . Commentarii in primam partem Summæ S. Thomæ . 1639 . Palermo
Aulnoy, M.Cd' . Memoires de la cour d’Espagne . 1716 . Amsterdam
Aulnoy, M.Cd' . Histoire d’Hypolite, comte de Duglas . 1698 . Brussells
Aulnoy, M.Cd' . History of John of Bourbon, Prince of Carency . 1723 . London
Aumale, Henri d’Orléans, duc de . Lettre sur l'histoire de France . 1861 . Paris
Aungier, Francis, Earl of Longford . State of His Majesties revenue in Ireland . 1673 . London
Aungier, Francis, Earl of Longford . The state of His Majestyies revenue in Ireland . 1673 . London
Ausonius, D.M. . Opera . 1580 . Bordeaux
Ausonius, D.M. . Omnia opera . 1590 . Bordeaux
Ausonius, D.M. . Opera . 1517 . Venice
Austen, J. . Mansfield Park . 1814 . London
Austen, J. . Pride and prejudice . 1813 . London
Austen, J. . Emma . 1816 . London
Austen, J. . Pride and prejudice . 1813 . London
Austin, S. . Notice of Miss Anna Gurney . 1857 . Norwich
Austin, A. . Lights and shadows of Scottish life . 1822 . Edinburgh
Austin, J. . Lectures on jurisprudence . 1873 . London
Austin, W. . Devotionis Augustinianæ flamma . 1635 . London
Austin, S. . Notice of Miss Anna Gurney . 1857 . Norwich
Avenel, G. . Anarcharsis Cloots . 1865 . Paris
Aventinus, J. . Annalium Boiorum libri septem . 1554 . Ingolstadt
Aventinus, J. . Annalium Boiorum libri VII . 1580 . Basel
Aventinus, J. . Annalium Boiorum libri VII . 1580 . Basel
Aventinus, J. . Annalium Boiorum libri septem . 1554 . Ingolstadt
Avicenna, . Ugo in primam primi . 1523 . Venice
Avicenna, . Canon medicæ [in Arabic] . 1593 . Rome
Avicenna, . Compendium de anima . 1546 . Venice
Avicenna, . Compendium de anima . 1546 . Venice
Avicenna, . Principis Avic. libri canonis . 1527 . Venice
Avila y Çuñiga, L. de . Comentario del illustre Señor Don Luis de Avila y Zuñiga . 1549 . Antwerp
Avila y Çúñiga, L. de . Comentario … della guerra de Alemaña . 1549 . Venice
Avila y Çuñiga, L. de . Comentario del illustre Señor Don Luis de Avila y Zuñiga . 1549 . Antwerp
Avila y Çuñiga, L. de . Comentario del illustre Señor Don Luis de Avila y Zuñiga . 1549 . Antwerp
Avity, Pierre d', sieur de Montmartin . Estates, empires, & principallities of the world . 1615 . London
Aylett, R. . Peace with her foure garders . 1622 . London
Aylward, A. . Transvaal of to-day . 1878 . Edinburgh
Aymon, J. . Monumens authentiques de la religion des grecs . 1708 . La Haye
Ayrault, P. . Pandectae . 1589 . Paris
Aytoun, W.E. . Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers . 1870 . Edinburgh and London
Aytoun, W.E. . Ballads of Scotland . 1858 . Edinburgh
Azeglio, Massimo d' . Lettere . 1870 . Milan


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