Commentarii in primum librum Aristotelis De arte poetarum

TitleCommentarii in primum librum Aristotelis De arte poetarum
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1573
AuthorsVettori, P
LibraryFounders Library University of Wales Lampeter
BindingBound in calf with the stamp in gold on the upper cover
SignatureInscription on the front flyleaf: “of Payne £1-11-6. M. Wodhull. Apr. 29th 1779”
Call NumberBurgess
Wodhull, Michael (1740 - 1816) (Stamp 1)
Arms Three crescents (Wodhull) impaling Ermine on a fess three escallops (Ingram) Crest Out of a ducal coronet two wings addorsed
Heraldic Charges: